
Showing posts from October, 2019

Pikachu and Zekrom Tag Team GX Expanded Format Deck Review

Welcome back! Today we will venture into the Expanded Format with a better version of a Standard deck! The Difference Between Standard and Expanded The Standard Format has cards from 2018 to present. This means that it only has the sets Ultra Prism to Hidden Fates. The Expanded format is both more liberating but in a way, degenerate and insane. It allows cards from 2011 (Black and White) to present. On the one hand, there are more cards to play, but some players play the craziest combos to win on the first turn, which is why the banlist is so long. Pikarom Pikachu and Zekrom Tag Team GX (Pikarom) is a very powerful card on its own. It can do 150 while charging up another Pokemon (like another Pikarom), and can use Tag Bolt GX to take 2-5 Prize Cards all at once, almost certainly winning the game.  What takes it over the edge is all the Lightning support. Electropower makes its damage output higher than what one Choice Band can. Zeraora GX gives the deck mobility and ...

Top 6 Hidden Fates Cards

Hello everyone! Today we will be taking a look at the top 6 cards from Hidden Fates! 6. Onix GX To start things off, Onix GX is a card that likes to play on defense. The first attack can stall your opponent while you set up the 5-Energy Heavy Impact. The GX attack can do a lot of damage and block retaliation from your opponent. The Pewter City Gym can add more HP to Onix while Diance Prism Star can up the amount of damage it does since honestly, the damage isn't too impressive.  It can KO Pikachu and Zekrom GX, but it can't do the same for many other Pokemon. Even with its walling/tanking abilities, most Pokemon nowadays can KO it in one hit. At least Zygarde GX can power itself up quickly and boost its damage output higher. 5. Pokémon Center Lady This card did show promise. It was a reprint of a card that saw moderate play during its day... Then I remembered something. Last time, you could use the card and not hurt your deck's consistency. Now though...