Pikachu and Zekrom Tag Team GX Expanded Format Deck Review
Welcome back! Today we will venture into the Expanded Format with a better version of a Standard deck! The Difference Between Standard and Expanded The Standard Format has cards from 2018 to present. This means that it only has the sets Ultra Prism to Hidden Fates. The Expanded format is both more liberating but in a way, degenerate and insane. It allows cards from 2011 (Black and White) to present. On the one hand, there are more cards to play, but some players play the craziest combos to win on the first turn, which is why the banlist is so long. Pikarom Pikachu and Zekrom Tag Team GX (Pikarom) is a very powerful card on its own. It can do 150 while charging up another Pokemon (like another Pikarom), and can use Tag Bolt GX to take 2-5 Prize Cards all at once, almost certainly winning the game. What takes it over the edge is all the Lightning support. Electropower makes its damage output higher than what one Choice Band can. Zeraora GX gives the deck mobility and ...