Top 6 Hidden Fates Cards

Hello everyone! Today we will be taking a look at the top 6 cards from Hidden Fates!

6. Onix GX
Image result for onix gx
To start things off, Onix GX is a card that likes to play on defense. The first attack can stall your opponent while you set up the 5-Energy Heavy Impact. The GX attack can do a lot of damage and block retaliation from your opponent. The Pewter City Gym can add more HP to Onix while Diance Prism Star can up the amount of damage it does since honestly, the damage isn't too impressive. 
It can KO Pikachu and Zekrom GX, but it can't do the same for many other Pokemon. Even with its walling/tanking abilities, most Pokemon nowadays can KO it in one hit. At least Zygarde GX can power itself up quickly and boost its damage output higher.
5. Pokémon Center Lady
Image result for pokemon center lady hidden fates
This card did show promise. It was a reprint of a card that saw moderate play during its day...
Then I remembered something.
Last time, you could use the card and not hurt your deck's consistency. Now though, VS Seeker is no longer in format and you kind of want to play a draw or search Supporter as often as possible. Some decks could use this card after setting up, but the only good way to search it out is Pokegear 3.0, and there's no guarantee that you haven't lost the card by then. Even if you do have the card, this is a one hit KO world we live in, where even 270 HP monsters can die to a single attack. You can't heal a dead Pokémon. 
4. Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres Tag Team GX                                                                                                                Image result for articuno zapdos moltres gx   
Behold, the most POWERFUL card in the set...
At #4.
Let's point out the good things. This card has a giant amount of HP (tied with Wailord and Magikarp Tag Team GX for most HP in the game) and it has an attack that will always deal 210 damage. The GX attack can do 110 damage to 3 opposing Pokemon and shuffle the birds away, keeping them away from harm. 
Now for the bad news.
The Lightning Weakness is terrible to have. With it, the Pikachu and Zekrom Tag Team GX decks will turn the Legendary Birds into fried chicken. The normal attack and the fully powered GX attack are very difficult to power up. If it weren't for the weakness, the Birds would have been a good stall deck, but as it stands, it's too unreliable. 210 damage isn't gonna cut it as Choice Band is no longer in format.
3. Jolteon
Image result for hidden fates jolteon
The Ability is nice to boost your own attack power. Punishing your opponent for playing the game is always an OK strategy. The one problem I see with this card is the fact that most decks don't accelerate Energy from the hand. This is also a non-GX Evolved Pokémon living in the post-Ultra Ball era.

2. Starmie GX
Image result for hidden fates starmie
Is that a Water type Carbink BREAK? Oh my!
Aqua Patch just rotated, so Water acceleration is nice. The GX attack is very powerful. The only problem is that while it is easier to set up than Naganadel+Quagsire, the pair can consistently get Energy on the field, while Starmie GX can only do that in the early game. 190 HP is very fragile for a Stage 1 GX.

1. Jessie and James/ Weezing

Image result for jessie and james card
The best card(s) in the set is Jessie and James. They are so good, they got banned in the Expanded format before release.
Let me explain.
Earlier this year, the Zoroark GX Exodia deck ruled the format. It used Delinquent and Marshadow to discard the opponent's hand on the first turn. Pokemon doesn't feel like doing a repeat.
In the Standard format, there is no easy way to replicate this combo, but hand disruption is still useful. With Weezing, the discards become more effective. This is best used by disruption decks and not by most other aggressive decks.
This is the best competitive card in the set. I'm disappointed too.

Conclusion: 1/5
This is definitely the worst set... When it comes to the new cards that is. The reprinted Shiny Pokemon are not only beautiful, but very good as well. If they were included, they would take all 6 spots on the list.


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